Dead On!


Hello! You found my vibe station.

Try the music player to the right for optimal vibes. (Only works on desktop atm)

It is currently

My name is Alex, or Deadface if you know me from the internet. I'm 23 and I made my first website in 2009 at 8 years old cause my mom wouldn't let me play games on a game builder website with a chat feature. lol. I've been coding on and off at this point since 2014, when I started the course on w3 schools (which they still have wow. I still reference it while making this website). Later in high school, my school started offering web building classes which is where I gainned most of my dev knowledge (That's on top of snooping on other's websites, sooooo yk)

Dead On RIP is something I came up with in 2021 after buying my cricut machine with the money from my first job. I decided that what I really wanted to do with my life was make things, and I decided the thing I wanted to make was clothes. If you wanted to look at what I make, you can at Any money I make goes towards my living expenses, and whatever is left after that will be used to put me into design school. :)